It's not for the faint of heart.

Welcome to my slightly silly, often odd, and mostly messy life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A girl has to meet her own needs on occasion.

For those of you whose mind resides in the gutter, no, I don't mean getting myself off. Although, let's be honest, sometimes it's just what you need. No fuss, and no egos to stroke. I'm not opposed to pleasuring myself, but if BLT is around I readily admit that I'm a fan of the manly bits and LOVE LOVE LOVE me some good old fashioned man lovin'.

What I mean are my other needs in life. Exercise, a well deserved pat on the back, a delicious meal. I gave myself all three today. I went for a two + mile run, did a weight circuit and walked home. I did a little happy dance and bought myself a new book online as a "yay me" gift. I made a delish Mexican feast and enjoyed every bite! Then I gave myself the gift of not being such a control freak. I walked away and let the kids clean the kitchen.

Will it be perfect? No. Will they forget to do something? Likely. Will I survive? Certainly. I'm trying to give myself a break. I'm trying to accept that with four kids my house doesn't have to be picture perfect.

I've worked hard, exercised hard, ate a great meal, rewarded myself with something I love and left my able children to deal with one of my least favorite responsibilities. It's been a good day. Maybe my need to run, mentioned in yesterday's post, is just me needing to let go of some of my perceived responsibilities?

Maybe I just need to take care of a few of my own basic needs, and let the kids and BLT meet a few more of their own? As much as I want to be Super Woman sometimes, I would much rather be more relaxed, more fun... more the true self I remember being when I was younger and less burdened by the weight of my world.

I'm not sure how successful I'll be, but I'll keep trying. Sometimes I think it's just a part of my nature to be a little controlling. But I'll be honest, I would much rather be happy than in control all the time.


  1. I think this is the hardest part of being a mother - learning to let go and look after yourself sometimes!

    Your day sounds awesome! Am jealous of the excercise - am desperate to get back on track with my work outs!

  2. Sounds like you are on the right track!

  3. It's so important to make sure your own needs get met, and I think it's a hard thing for a mother to do. Mom's ALWAYS seem to be worried about getting everyone else's needs met and neglect their own. So good for you for taking time for yourself.

  4. My goodness! We could ALL stand to do this!

  5. This is great! Good for you for taking care of yourself. :)

    I think that the legend of Superwoman is a myth. There might be women out there who "do it all", but there's no way they're doing it all and are still happy. I'd rather be happy and NOT be superwoman, ya know? :)

  6. I'm still practicing letting go. I've given the kids chores to do all week, and it's been hit or miss, but I'm not trying to do it all.

    One momma can only do so much when she's raising four kids, working full time, and trying to have some kind of social life, lol...

    So my kitchen floor needs to be mopped and my bathrooms could use a decent scrubbing - but I hosted brunch for my parents on Sunday and I went to the movies with BLT this week.

    Balance's all about balance. Or so I hear!
